Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I’m sitting at home listening to the Old Crowe Medicine Show trying to figure out something to write this journal entry about. The Old Crowe Medicine Show is a pretty awesome bluegrass band. The song that got me to start listening to them was their rendition of Bob Dylan’s ‘Wagon Wheel’. I have been stuck on this particular album; it’s their self titled album, ever since I bought it a couple of weeks ago. This doesn’t mean that the Old Crowe c.d. is the only one I’ve been listening to but when I get stuck on a c.d. I tend to listen to it at least once or twice a day. This will go on for about a couple of months or until I find something else that I deem worthy for my ears and mind to be filled with. Sometimes I’ll get stuck on more than on c.d. at a time. When I am finally done with a c.d. I’ll either go and get a new on or ill go back to one of the ones in my collection that I haven’t listened to in a while. If I am board of all of my music or I am a way from the c.d. case I will listen to the radio but I try my hardest to steer clear from the FM radio stations around this area. I don’t know what this world would be like if music never existed. All I know is that is a world that I would not want to live in. Everything would be very dull, no inspiration at all. I can’t even think of anything to write about unless I have music going through my ears to spark my thoughts. So in my opinion music is the most important thing in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - what deems music a thing? ~Ms. A.
